Computer Graphics Fluid Solid Coupling #Physics-based Simulation Implementation of fluid solid coupling Eulerian Fluid Solver #Physics-based Simulation Implementation of a Eulerian fluid solver, which supports MacCormack advection, conjugate gradients iteration and MGPCG Position Based Fluids Simulation #Physics-based Simulation Implementation of position based fluids (PBF) algorithm, rendered with marching cubes algorithm Path Tracing Renderer #Rendering Implementation of path tracing with Monte Carlo integration, BVH and light sampling Machine Learning Efficient Graph Attention Networks (GAT) #Graph Neural Networks Acceleration of GAT Earthquake Location with GNN #Graph Neural Networks #Seismology Predict earthquakes' locations with GraphSage Vectorization and Distribution with Deep RL #Reinforcement Learning #Compiler Predict LLVM optimization factors with reinforcement learning methods Quantitative Trading Based on AlphaNet #Deep Learning Predict stock return with AlphaNet and Transformer Professional Substitutable Products Group (SPG) Model Retraining #Natural Language Processing #AWS Internship project at Amazon Others High Performance Computing on Cross-correlation Functions #High Performance Computing #Seismology Produced CUDA parallel programs to compute cross-correlation functions of large-scale seismic data on GPU